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Metal Frame for MSA Full Brim Helmets
Price: $10.00
V-Gard Metal Frames are designed and tested to perform to requirements with MSA slotted or unslotted Full Brim Hats. The coil spring offers easy loading onto helmet, while the side clips provide quick and simple attachment for V-Gard Visors. Designed for elevated temperature enivronments!
Features and Specs:
- Coil spring attachment
- Aluminum; for use in high heat applications
- Easy assembly of visor onto frame - held secure by easy clips
- Not designed for use with helmet-mounted muffs
- MSA does not recommend V-Gard Metal Frames for use where electrical hazards, including but not limited to arc flash, could occur.
- This is NOT for MSA Skullgards or MSA Caps
SKU: MSA10176739
UOM: Each
Manufacturer: MSA